Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Breaking Barriers Through English

Differences in culture,language,values and attitudes lead to misunderstanding between and among people in the whole country,because of these,we cannot move on to a more progressive life that we are aiming for.Though how much effort the government is doing to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor,the educated from the uneducated citizens of the country, through the different programs,needless to say,our government's efforts is not enough.
Studies show that the children learn more through the use of the Mother-tongue based multi-lingual education. The concepts introduced in class are better learned because they understand well the language used.However as the students progress to higher levels they will be thought English for better and wider understanding that people understand one another.In a workplace,people come from different places and make use of different languages but proud to say that with the use of the English Language he become competent and can even compete globally.Once a person is equipped with the skill,of using the English Language they doesn't used to be afraid facing anybody ,he is confident to go anywhere because english is commonly used worlwide. So whatever barriers there maybe they can be erradicated through the use of the English Language.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Teacher, My Hero

I always consider my teacher as my hero as I finish a year in my life.I learn many things,to enlighten my mind,obtain great ideas and developed a well rounded personality. How I admire my teacher as she explains our lessons,share her personal experiences and inculcate good values in us,as growing individuals.There is never a day in school where I can not get a learning gain,hands on experiences and learn the do's and dont's in life.My teacher my hero.